A Psychologically Healthy Job
When you're having a bad day, it's tempting to tell yourself that you won't be able to succeed or that you'll always fail. But the truth is that these negative thoughts aren't helping anyone—not even yourself. If you want to feel motivated and happy at work, then it's time to stop criticizing yourself and start praising yourself instead. Here are 10 ways to do just that:
1. Positive relationships with colleagues and managers
- Positive relationships with colleagues and managers
- Good compensation (e.g., salary, benefits, job security)
- Fairness in the workplace, including equal pay for equal work and opportunities to advance based on merit rather than favoritism or nepotism
- Variety and challenge in your work
2. Good compensation
Compensation is the combination of your salary and benefits. Salary is simply the amount of money you earn for your work, while benefits are things like health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off and other perks that help you be better at your job. Compensation can also include bonuses, stock options and other perks that may not fall into either category but still make a difference in how much value they bring to your life overall.
3. Job Security
Job security is important for many employees. It can help people feel safe and secure, which in turn will make them happier in their jobs. When employees feel safe and secure in their jobs, they tend to be more relaxed and focused on what they're doing. This can lead to increased productivity and higher job performance from your team members.
Job security also shows that you respect your employees enough not only to hire them but also keep them around long enough for them to get value out of the experience (i.e., when you offer a promotion).
4. Fairness
Fairness is a key element of psychological health. It's different from equality and justice, though often confused with them.
- Fairness: The perception that we are being treated fairly by others or ourselves.
- Equality: Being treated the same as other people in similar circumstances (e.g., when everyone else has left for lunch).
- Justice: A system or process that treats all people equally under the law (e.g., no one gets special treatment just because they're rich).
- Equity: Giving each person what they need rather than what they deserve (e.g., providing good education services even if you don't have children).
5. Variety
Variety is the spice of life, and it's also a key component to maintaining a psychologically healthy job. If your work is all the same every day, you'll quickly get bored with it and lose motivation. You may even start to feel like you're wasting your time at work because there's nothing new or exciting happening.
Variety can help you learn new things by giving you exposure to different types of tasks that require different skill sets, which will challenge the way that people think about their jobs and push them outside their comfort zones. And finally, variety can help keep boredom at bay by keeping workers motivated by having challenges around every corner!
6. Good working conditions
Good working conditions are important for your health and well-being.
- Clean and safe workplace: The first step to good working conditions is a clean and safe workplace. This includes having sufficient lighting, fresh air, adequate heating or cooling (depending on the season), proper ventilation and access to washrooms when needed.
- Good air quality: A healthy atmosphere includes having enough oxygen available so that you can breathe easily without feeling short of breath or needing extra water during breaks at work. It also means avoiding exposure to harmful chemicals or other hazards such as dust particles from woodworking operations (which may cause respiratory problems) by wearing protective gear when necessary and keeping machines well lubricated so they don't create dust clouds while running on their own power sources like electricity or gas fuel tanks.
7. Flexibility in Scheduling and Leave time
In addition to providing a psychologically healthy workplace, it is important to offer flexible scheduling and leave time. This can include:
- Flexible work schedules that allow employees more control over their hours and days off.
- The ability for employees to take time off when they need it (e.g., sick days).
- Freedom from physical risk.
- Freedom from emotional risk.
- Freedom from harassment, bullying and intimidation.
- Freedom from being overworked, underpaid or undervalued at work.
The last thing you want is to feel like you're risking your health by going into work every day--or even just thinking about it!
9. Equitable rewards and recognitionRecognition is not just about money. In fact, research shows that recognition can have a greater impact on employee engagement and performance than financial rewards. As what Gouri Krishna said in her article Building an Equitable Reward and Recognition program...
"Reward and recognition programs form the pillar of employee morale and it encourages behaviors and values which organizations desire."
Recognition is important for motivation, which in turn leads to better productivity and job satisfaction. It also plays an important role in helping employees feel valued at work--and when we feel valued by our employer or coworkers, we're more likely to stay with that organization longer than if we don't receive any recognition at all!
10. Clear goals and expectations
- Clear goals and expectations
You may feel like you've been hired to do a job, but the truth is that your employer has hired you for a reason--and it's likely not just because they needed someone at that moment. Your work will be more fulfilling if it fits into the company's larger vision for itself in some way. For example, if the company has a goal of being more environmentally responsible by 2020 (or whatever), then your job could involve helping them achieve this goal through projects such as recycling old computers or switching from paper cups to reusable ones at meetings.
You can motivate yourself without being mean to yourself.
Just as what is written by Erin Eatough, PhD, we have to learn how to be your own best ally for reaching your goals.
- You can motivate yourself without being mean to yourself.
- Being mean to yourself is a waste of time and energy, and it's not going to help you achieve your goals.
- Being mean to yourself will not make you feel better about yourself.
If you're feeling stuck in a job that doesn't make you happy, it's time to make a change. You don't have to be afraid of what other people will think or say about you if they find out that you're considering leaving--they probably won't even notice! What matters most is whether or not this new job will make you feel good about yourself as a person.